For patients or couples who find themselves in the position of being unable to produce healthy sperm, eggs, or embryos, donor gametes can be a healthy alternative.
Donor sperm may be an option for single women who wish to become pregnant without a partner. Another instance could be if the man has azoospermia, which can be a low sperm count or inability to make sperm. Or, perhaps a man remarries after a vasectomy, and wishes to have children yet does not want to undergo a reverse vasectomy. Here at the Center, we work with several national sperm banks known not just for their selection, but their integrity.
Donor eggs can be the preferred choice when a woman has experienced certain conditions such as premature ovarian failure, a markedly diminished ovarian reserve, or had her ovaries removed at prior surgery. Egg banks such as offer a comprehensive database with a wide diversity of choices and full access to all available donor information, so you control the donor matching process.
Donor embryos as a path to pregnancy have become an option only within the last year or so. As couples who chose in vitro fertilization became pregnant, a surplus of cryopreserved embryos, or fertilized eggs, were created. And as those couples donated their remaining embryos to egg banks, those frozen embryos can now be donated to a caring client or couple.
Available through a number of agencies, the Center also has an established relationship with ReproTech, Ltd., the only company in the nation that focuses exclusively on the long-term storage of reproductive tissue.